_Soya Whip, Sosa, 300g
Item No.
Enzymatically modified soy protein. Properties: Mounting effect. How to use: Mix cold. Application: Any type of liquid. Observations: Albumin substitute. Elaborations: Meringues / Macaroni / Foams
Enzymatically modified soy protein.
Properties: Mounting effect.
How to use: Mix cold.
Application: Any type of liquid.
Observations: Albumin substitute.
Elaborations: Meringues / Macaroni / Foams
Properties: Mounting effect.
How to use: Mix cold.
Application: Any type of liquid.
Observations: Albumin substitute.
Elaborations: Meringues / Macaroni / Foams
Amarillo (Yellow Chilli) Paste, 225g, ea
Item No.
_Kingsbury Irish Wagyu Burgers (Frz) 6oz x15, box
Item No.
+Toyama Spring Onion Okasu Miso 300g, ea
Item No.